Facilitated by Thom Scott and Marilyn Palmer (thanks to Phillip Hutchison for fantastic pictures)
Thom and Marilyn facilitated a review session at the end of Saturday. The overall feedback was that people really appreciated the opportunity to connect and learn from each other but most significantly, they saw it as a Day of Hope. The realisation that there are many amazing people across Western Australia taking action now to change things was very affirming and very hopeful.
What’s working?
Sharing knowledge
Hearing other's stories = comradery
Wonderful coming together opportunity to chat among each other and hearing from passionate people
Hearing what different gardens are doing
Urban/ rural differences and how country Community Gardens are places that engage with a diversity of every-one
Facebook as a means of sharing information
Importance of collaboration and learning from experience
Attention to all sectors: community, Not for profit, higher education, business, Government (Local) Government
Interest from Local Governments who are keen to involve/ help with funding
Benefit of making so many new connections
Processes for Gathering
There is a good balance, past/present
Timekeeping etc, was ordered and well done.
Different processes in sessions worked well. Good to see different processes in action
There was not total control [Symbolic] future is going to bring unpredictability so good to model this
What’s not working?
How do we bring in broader society?
How do we get wider spread through real world - not just internet
Would like longer sessions? Each session is just a taster really
Filming a bit patchy - any recordings?
What can we do together to change things?
Identify who else are stakeholders, what potential is there for getting involved?
Engage in bigger picture change strategies
micro every day [Symbol] society bigger picture (local and global)
Engage the broader community in conversations [Symbol] all groups
Recruit for more help on ground for each day/ event
Get the Governor General involved
What’s the first step to make this happen?
Monthly topics and regular get-togethers
Community Garden Gathering network – build on sessions emerging from Gathering
Share sense of belonging and responsibility
On the ground conversations with everyone – keep doing what we’re doing
Other nice things shared
Amazing people to pull this together
This is just the seed planted