This Open Space session is proudly sponsored by the UWA Institute of Agriculture.
Join Chris Ferreira from Forever Project to create a cacophony of ideas and series of plans to raise the profile of community gardens and their role in creating resilient and food secure communities.
The following are thoughts from this session:
“It is easier than you think to find someone on the other side of the fence who would be willing to help”.
“More multicultural community gardens and to have people of varied ethnic backgrounds, share their culinary skills”
A Question…...” How can we see our community involved?’ for example could this be a workplace garden?
“Financially we can’t be reliant on government funding”
Seed collection, Succession planning, land tenure issues and communal responsibilities are all areas where further exploration would be beneficial. Also, how to use community gardens and the outputs of these, to benefit those that need help the most.
It is important that increased interaction with local council happens. They can then be made “leaders, rather than followers of a grassroots movement”. We can all attend council meetings!!